Trevor Monreal, Certified
Life/Relationship Coach

Trevor has been a Certified Life Coach since 2010.  Trevor has utilized this expertise with individuals, as well as, small groups.  He has expanded his Life Coach Certification to provide online relationship coaching for those that are looking to strengthen their marriage or long term relationships.  Trevor meets with individuals and couples to help them unlock the answers that will help lead them to a more fulfilling life and partnership.

Trevor offers a supportive, conversational environment where he can help clients confront self-limiting beliefs and form a viable strategy for moving toward a life goal. Drawing from his own faith, self-restoration, and experience, Trevor enjoys helping clients make clear choices to navigate through life's road blocks and transitions.

Trevor and his wife Wendy have partnered to mentor couples and host seminars on an array of topics. Trevor still finds peace being on a golf course but being a "California" boy at heart, walking along the coast, hearing the waves crash is his favorite.

What is a Lifecoach?

A relationship coach is a Life Coach whom offers clients guidance on how to build a lasting successful relationship and marriage. Together with the couple, a Relationship Coach will help couples develop conflict resolution skills that will help couples resolve complex issues that impact emotional, sexual, and even financial intimacy. Trevor believes you have the resources within you to resolve most of these issues.

Common Issues

" We love each other so much but seem to have the same conflict over and over"

Society says love is enough to keep a relationship healthy. If only that were true. Even the most healthy, loving relationship will have its share of conflicts. A Relationship Coach will help couples learn their negative interaction cycle and how to better relate with each other through a more positive interchange. A couple will learn that through conflict and repair they can actually thrive and become stronger in their couple hood.

"We are stuck"

Getting stuck in marriage is way too common. Couples will develop vicious cycles of competing needs and power struggles. In these vicious cycles it often comes down to who will give in first? For the person that "gives in", this will lead to resentment and great disappointment and for the person who "wins" it leads to isolation and loneliness.

A Relationship Coach will teach couples how to improve communication and deepen their intimacy to help avoid these struggles. They will help you uncover how and what makes you and your partner feel most loved, seen, and supported. Then you will learn how to be the one that provides that for your partner.

"We need help with our communication"

A Relationship Coach will teach you how to communicate and ask for your needs to be met. You will learn how to be real and honest with one another. A Relationship Coach will guide couples towards learning how to be vulnerable and empathetic to each other. They can help you notice and discover what is getting in the way of your relationship before painful habits begin to repeat themselves.

What are the Benefits

The main benefit of working with a Relationship Coach is the clarity of feedback you receive. Remember, you and your partner are the ones that are in control. A quality Relationship Coach will guide you through this experience. You and your partner will find and use the tools to help bring forth needed change. The Coach will encourage you to focus on differences versus "right and wrong", and try new ways of respectfully and lovingly relating to one another.

During the coaching process you will learn to:

    • Talk about your challenges honestly and openly
    • Practice vulnerability with each other
    • Understand each other's hurts and fears
    • Increase empathy with one another
    • Increased desire and sexual intimacy
    • Learn to set and negotiate boundaries.
    • Use your strengths to be more successful in your relationship